Evaluation mutuelle d'Argentina, 11ème rapport de suivi

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Mutual Evaluation of Argentina - 11th FUR

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Evaluation mutuelle d'Argentina, 11ème rapport de suivi

Le GAFI a entendu une actualisation des actions prises par l’Argentine en vue de renforcer son régime de LBC/FT.  L’Argentine était soumise au processus de suivi depuis l’adoption de son rapport d’évaluation mutuelle en 2010.  L’Argentine a fait des progrès suffisant en mettant en œuvre les obligations des Recommandations essentielles et clés et a par conséquent été retiré du processus de suivi. Mutual Evaluation of Argentina - 11th FUR‌(en anglais uniquement) présente les mesures prises par l'Argentine. 

En 2011, l’Argentine avait également été identifiée par le processus du Groupe d’Examen de la Coopération internationale du GAFI (ICRG) comme un pays présentant des défaillances stratégiques en matière de LBC/FT.  L’Argentine a en grande partie traité, au niveau technique, le plan d’actions décidé avec le GAFI dans le cadre du processus de l’ICRG.  Conformément aux procédures sur le retrait du processus de l’ICRG, le GAFI a décidé de conduire une visite sur place afin de confirmer la mise en œuvre des réformes et actions nécessaires pour remédier aux défaillances précédemment identifiées par le GAFI.

[suite disponible en anglais uniquement]

Argentina has made significant progress in addressing the deficiencies in its anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) measures as identified in theMutual Evaluation of Argentina.  The assessment team conducting the mutual evaluation, rated Argentina non-compliant (NC) or partially compliant (PC) on all of the Core and Key Recommendations.  As a result of this lack of compliance with the Core and Key Recommendations, the FATF Plenary placed Argentina in an enhanced follow-up process. The follow-up process is a desk-based review that monitors that a country takes the necessary steps to strengthen its AML/CFT framework.

Since the adoption of the mutual evaluation report in 2010, Argentina has taken a number of important steps to strengthen its legal and regulatory framework.  In particular, Argentina has:

  • reformed and strengthened the money laundering offence, enhanced the scope of reporting parties covered and transferred the AML/CFT supervision to the financial intelligence unit (FIU).
  • Enhanced the terrorist financing offence, in particular by criminalising the financing of terrorist acts, terrorists, and terrorist organisations.
  • Through the FIU, issued a series of resolutions concerning customer due diligence (CDD) and record-keeping requirements as well as other AML/CFT measures to be taken by reporting parties.
  • Created a framework to comply with United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1267 and 1373

As a result of this progress, the FATF Plenary decided that Argentina had taken sufficient steps in addressing technical compliance with the core and key Recommendations to be removed from the follow-up process.

Since Améliorer la conformité aux normes de LBC/ CFT dans le monde : Un processus permanent - 24 juin 2011, Argentina was also submitted to the FATF  International Co-operation Review Group process, and identified as a country with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies.  The FATF has determined that since 2011, Argentina has substantially addressed, on a technical level, the action plan agreed to with the FATF.  The procedures for exit from the ICRG process, require the FATF to conduct an on-site visit to confirm that the process of implementing the required reforms and actions is underway to address deficiencies previously identified by the FATF.  A successful outcome of that visit would result in Argentina no longer being identified as a country with strategic AML/CFT weaknesses.

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