Money Laundering Typologies 2002-2003

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Methods and Trends

Money Laundering Typologies 2002-2003

This report on the 2002-2003 typologies exercise incorporates some of the key findings made during the meeting of experts with the written material circulated beforehand. It is divided into chapters on the following topics.

Terrorist Financing 

    • Misuse of Non-Profit Organisations in the support of Terrorist Financing
    • Money or Value Transfer Systems and Terrorist Financing

Money Laundering through the Securities Sector

    • How can the securities market be used for money laundering?
    • Layering of illegal funds
    • Setting up a company as a front for money laundering
    • Market manipulation and money laundering

Gold & Diamond Markets

Other Terrorist Financing & Money Laundering Trends

The report includes case examples taken from the written contributions and presentations made during the meeting. The texts of these examples are reproduced here – wherever possible – as they were submitted for the exercise. However, country names, currencies and some other details have been modified in order to protect sensitive details of specific investigations.

Since the publication of this report, the FATF has published a series of addressing specific issues.