Belgium Biennial Update to the Mutual Evaluation Report

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Belgium Biennial Update to the Mutual Evaluation Report

After the adoption of their Mutual Evaluation Report (MER), FATF member countries are required to provide biennal updates on the measures that have been implemented to deal with the deficiencies identified in the report.

Belgium is subject to this process of providing a biennial update to the FATF Plenary on any of the 40+9 Recommendations that are rated PC (Partially Compliant) or NC (Non Compliant).

Such an update was provided to the Plenary in June 2007 and is available (in French), see below or at at the CTIF-CFI website.

Please note that the information provided by Belgium in that report was not analysed by the FATF and a link is provided for information only.

Since the ratings for Recommendations 1, 5, 10, 13 and Special Recommendations II and IV are either Compliant or LC Largely Compliant in the MER, Betgium will next provide an update to the FATF Plenary in June 2009.