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Italy's progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing

27 Mar 2019

This report analyses Italy's progress in addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in the 2015 assessment of the country's measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The report also looks at whether Italy has implemented new measures to meet the requirements of FATF Recommendations that changed since the mutual evaluation.


Technical Compliance

Ratings which reflect the extent to which a country has implemented the technical requirements of the FATF Recommendations.

Italie Rapport de suivi - 2019

R.1 - Assessing risk & applying risk-based approach
R.2 - National cooperation and coordination
R.3 - Money laundering offence
R.4 - Confiscation and provisional measures
R.5 - Terrorist financing offence
R.6 - Targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism & terrorist financing
R.7 - Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation
R.8 - Non-profit organisations
R.9 - Financial institution secrecy laws
R.10 - Customer due diligence
R.11 - Record keeping
R.12 - Politically exposed persons
R.13 - Correspondent banking
R.14 - Money or value transfer services
R.15 - New technologies
R.16 - Wire transfers
R.17 - Reliance on third parties
R.18 - Internal controls and foreign branches and subsidiaries
R.19 - Higher-risk countries
R.20 - Reporting of suspicious transactions
R.21 - Tipping-off and confidentiality
R.22 - DNFBPs: Customer due diligence
R.23 - DNFBPs: Other measures
R.24 - Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons
R.25 - Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal arrangements
R.26 - Regulation and supervision of financial institutions
R.27 - Powers of supervisors
R.28 - Regulation and supervision of DNFBPs
R.29 - Financial intelligence units
R.30 - Responsibilities of law enforcement and investigative authorities
R.31 - Powers of law enforcement and investigative authorities
R.32 - Cash couriers
R.33 - Statistics
R.34 - Guidance and feedback
R.35- Sanctions
R.36 - International instruments
R.37 - Mutual legal assistance
R.38 - Mutual legal assistance: freezing and confiscation
R.39 - Extradition
R.40 - Other forms of international cooperation

C = compliant   |   LC = largely compliant     |   PC = partially compliant   |   NC = non-compliant


Ratings that reflect the extent to which a country's measures are effective. The assessment is conducted on the basis of 11 immediate outcomes, which represent key goals that an effective AML/CFT system should achieve.

Ratings that reflect the extent to which a country's measures are effective. The assessment is conducted on the basis of 11 immediate outcomes, which represent key goals that an effective AML/CFT system should achieve.

Italie Rapport de suivi - 2019


HE = high level of effectiveness   |   SE = substantial level of effectiveness    |   ME = moderate level of effectiveness   |   LE = low level of effectiveness

5th Round Mutual Evaluation


Assessment Body
Last evaluation
2015-10-01 00:00
Possible onsite period
2025-06-01 00:00
Possible Plenary discussion
2026-02-01 00:00

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