FATF contributes to AML/CFT discussions in Eastern and Southern Africa

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FATF contributes to AML/CFT discussions in Eastern and Southern Africa

FATF participated in the meetings of the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) which took place in Tanzania on 15-20 April 2012. ESAAMLG is one of the FATF-regional style bodies and comprises 14 countries from the Eastern region of Africa down to the Southern tip of Africa (www.esaamlg.org).

Some of the main outcomes of the meeting were:

Mutual evaluation of Angola

The World Bank evaluated the  implementation of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism measures by Angola.  The assessment was conducted using the 40+9 FATF Recommendations and Methodology as published in 2004. The evaluation report was discussed in detail and adopted by the ESAAMLG Group.  The final report, which will be published on the ESAAMLG website, will also be made available on the FATF website.

Post evaluation monitoring process

ESAAMLG members also reviewed and adopted:

-    the first progress reports and post evaluation implementation plans of Mozambique and Swaziland

-    the 2nd post evaluation follow-up report of South Africa

-    the post evaluation implementation programmes of Bostwana, Comoros, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe 

Post evaluation implementation planning workshops were organised for Lesotho and Kenya.

Revised FATF Recommendations

The FATF 40 Recommendations, adopted in February 2012, were presented to the ESAAMLG membership.  This was an opportunity to highlight the major changes in the Recommendations and to discuss issues related to the implementation of the revised requirements in the ESAAMLG region.. ESAAMLG Members adopted a recommendation to the ESAAMLG Council of Ministers for the endorsement of the new standards. The FATF Secretariat also invited ESAAMLG and its members to actively participate in the ongoing work conducted for the implementation of the new Recommendations (Methodology for assessment of the FATF Recommendations for the new round of Mutual Evaluations, revision on Guidance on Financial inclusion etc). 

First meeting of the Donors Coordination Group

This group comprises representatives of all ESAAMLG members and Cooperating organisations (World Bank, IMF, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UN Counter-Terrorism Committee, UN Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, Commonwealth Secretariat, Austrac and the FATF), as well as Supporting Nations United Kingdom and United States. 

The main goals of this newly-formed group are to map and to monitor the technical assistance (TA) and training support offered to ESAAMLG members; coordinate donors’ activities and avoid duplication; and assess the impact and efficiency of the support provided. The initial focus of the group will be to do a stock-take of past and planned TA and training projects.