COVID-19 and the Changing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Landscape, 30 July 2020

Publication details




30 July 2020 - After a brief update on risks reported by FATF and FSRB members and observers, representatives from Australia, Mexico, Interpol and Europol will provided updates and different perspectives on the key money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) risks to be aware of. They discussed key issues including:

  • How has COVID-19 changed the criminal economy and what key threats and vulnerabilities are we seeing at the national, regional and international levels?
  • What medium to long-term risks do we see emerging from the COVID-19 crisis?
  • What are some good practices and strategies the public and private sectors can put in place to manage the changing risk environment?   



Daniel Thelesklaf, former Chair (MONEYVAL) and outgoing co-chair of the FATF Risks Trends and Methods Working Group  


Gilbert Berk, Head of Unit, Expertise and Stakeholder Management, European Financial and Economic Crime Centre, EuropolElisa de Anda Madrazo, Director-General, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Mexico)

Chris Collett, Deputy CEO Intelligence, AUSTRAC (Australia)

Ian Pemberton, Criminal Intelligence Officer, Financial Crimes Unit, Interpol