Counter-Terrorist Financing Summit 2016: Regional Risk Assessment on Terrorism Financing

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Counter-Terrorist Financing Summit 2016: Regional Risk Assessment on Terrorism Financing

The Counter-Terrorism Financing Summit 2016 brought together leaders and experts in counter terrorism financing and financial intelligence from around the world to begin the process of developing regional solutions to terrorism financing issues and risks.

Australia’s financial intelligence agency (AUSTRAC) and its Indonesian counterpart financial intelligence unit, Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), issued the Regional Risk Assessment on Terrorism Financing 2016.

The regional risk assessment identifies primary terrorism financing risks from across a broad spectrum of assessed risks. 

One of the key requirements of the FATF Recommendations is for countries, to identify, assess and understand the money laundering and terrorist financing risks that they are exposed to. Once these risks are properly understood, countries will be able to implement measures that mitigate these risks.

Read more:

Counter-Terrorism Financing Summit 2016

The FATF Recommendations 

National money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment