Interim follow-up report to the Mutual Evaluation of Mexico

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Interim follow-up report to the mutual evaluation of Mexico

Interim Follow-up Report Mexico.pdf
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Interim follow-up report to the Mutual Evaluation of Mexico

The FATF has released an interim follow-up report, setting out progress made since the report of the Mutual Evaluation of Mexico, which was published in October 2008.

Since the publication of the mutual evaluation report, Mexico has provided the FATF Plenary with progress reports on the action it has taken to address the deficiencies identified in the mutual evaluation report. After the October 2012 Plenary meeting, Mexico requested the publication of the progress report presented to the FATF Plenary at that meeting. 

Ratings of Core and Key Recommendations in the October 2008 Mutual Evaluation report

During the assessment of its measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, Mexico was rated partially compliant (PC) or non-compliant (NC) on 9 (out of 16) key and core Recommendations (see below). Due to these deficiencies, Mexico was placed in the regular follow-up process in October 2008.

About the Interim follow-up report

This report is an interim follow-up report. Mexico remains in the follow-up process until the publication of its final report. Mexico may apply to come out of this process when satisfactory progress has been made in remedying the deficiencies noted in the report, in particular regarding the core and key recommendations. The information used for this report, the third follow-up report to the FATF Plenary, is based on information provided by Mexico.