The FATF removed two countries from its increased monitoring following successful on-site visits and updated its statements on high-risk and other monitored jurisdictions. Building upon the FATF statements over the past decade, the FATF reiterated its concerns over the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) continued failure to address the significant deficiencies in its anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regime and the serious threats posed by the DPRK’s illicit activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and its financing.
In line with its focus on risk and context, the FATF achieved a key strategic milestone by revising the criteria for prioritising countries under its International Cooperation Review Group (ICRG) process (the so-called grey or blacking listing process). These changes will apply in the next round of evaluations and will make the process even more risk-based and cognisant of the capacity challenges faced by the least developed countries.
In preparation for the next round of mutual evaluations, the Plenary agreed how countries will be assessed for compliance with the recently revised FATF Standards that further enhance asset recovery and international co-operation frameworks and more effectively deprive criminals of the proceeds of crime. The FATF also hosted the second Learning and Development forum, this time focusing on supporting national implementation of the revised FATF standards on beneficial ownership.
Delegates discussed and adopted the joint FAT/APG/EAG assessment of India and the joint FATF-MENAFATF assessment of Kuwait.
Members approved the Priorities of the FATF under the incoming Mexican Presidency. These include a focus on financial inclusion; ensuring a successful start to the new round of assessments; strengthening cohesion of the Global Network; supporting effective implementation of revised FATF Standards with a focus on asset recovery, beneficial ownership and virtual assets; and continued efforts to combat terrorist and prolilferation financing.
The FATF President met with the Chairs of the nine FATF-Style Regional Bodies (FSRB) to discuss the progress achieved in strengthening the partnership between the FATF and FSRBs, and agreed on a set of Global Network priorities for the upcoming year.
Members thanked the Singapore Presidency for kick-starting the Women in FATF and the Global Network (WFGN) initiative. The key highlights of this initiative include the multi-cultural pilot mentoring programme involving 15 mentor-mentee pairs from diverse cultures and backgrounds and the launch of the e-book “Breaking Barriers: Inspiring the Next Generation of Women Leaders” featuring stories from distinguished leaders from the FATF and Global Network.
The suspension of the Russian Federation continues to stand (see February 2024 statement)