Rapport de suivi de la Grèce

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Follow-up Report to the Mutual Evaluation of Greece

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FoR Greece.pdf
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Rapport de suivi de la Grèce

Le GAFI a approuvé et publié le rapport de suivi de la Grèce.  La Grèce avait été placée dans le processus de suivi normal suite à la notation partiellement conforme et non-conforme de certaines Recommandations essentielles et Recommandations-clé dans son rapport d’évaluation mutuelle de juin 2007.  La Grèce a pris des mesures suffisantes pour remédier à ces défaillances et a par conséquent été retirée du processus de suivi normal.  Dorénavant, le Grèce rapportera de toute nouvelle amélioration de son régime de LBC/FT tous les deux ans.

Document disponble en anglais uniquement. 


In February 2010, the FATF published the . This report provided an update on progress made by Greece since the 2007 Mutual Evaluation Report.

In October 2011, the FATF recognised that Greece had made significant progress in addressing the deficiencies identified in the 2007 Mutual Evaluation Report. The FATF agreed that Greece should now report on any further improvements to its Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) system on a biennial basis.

The Follow-Up Report agreed by the FATF in October 2011 and published here, finds that Greece has taken sufficient action in remedying the identified deficiencies for the above mentioned Recommendations and that all the Core and all the Key Recommendations are at a level essentially equivalent to compliant (C) or largely compliant (LC).

The decision by the FATF to remove a country from the regular follow-up process is based on updated procedures agreed in October 2008. These procedures require a country to have taken sufficient and effective action to address the compliance levels of Core Recommendations 1, 5, 10, 13, SR II and IV and overall sufficient and effective action to address the compliance levels of Key Recommendations 3, 4, 23, 26, 35, 36, 40, SR I, SR III, SR V, where those Recommendations were previously rated as partially compliant or non-compliant. “Sufficient and effective action” is defined as a level essentially equivalent to compliant (C) or largely compliant (LC).

Core Recommendations:

  • Key Recommendations
  • Recommendations 1, 5 and 13 (all PC)

Special Recommendations II and IV (all PC)

  • Recommendations 3, 4, 23, 35 and 40 (all PC)
  • Recommendation 26 (NC)
  • Special Recommendations I and III (all PC)

(1) See paragraphs 39c and 40 of Third Round of AML/CFT Evaluations Process and Procedures for a detailed explanation.

Évaluation Mutuelle de la Grèce (en anglais uniquement)